Serbia – Independent Journalists’ Association of Serbia (1995)

Ethic codex, adopted by the General Assembly of the Independent Journalists’ Association of Serbia in 1995.

The following document is based on full respect of professional and ethical values in journalism.

1. It is a journalist’s duty to follow the highest moral and ethical standards.

2. A journalist should under all circumstances and without any exceptions whatsoever defend the basics of a free press and other public media, protecting the right to news gathering and expressing personal views through comment and critics, following the rule that facts are obligatory and opinions are free.

3. A journalist should under all circumstances engage all efforts in the struggle against the prevention of the free flow of information, distortion of facts and censorship.

4. It is a journalist’s duty to publish true, verified, and complete stories, as fast as he can. By quoting persons and institutions from whom the information is gathered, the journalist is preserving the right not to refer to the source of information (which is not an excuse from the responsibility for information).

5. A journalist’s duty is to, in an adequate period of time, correct damage caused by false information, through correction or excuse to certain persons or institutions, allowing them the right for answer if the subject is worthy of further discussion.

6. While gathering news, photos or illustrations, journalists will use methods adequate to the dignity and tradition of journalism, preserving the rule that all parties should be presented.

7. Having in mind the right of the public to have relevant information from all fields of life, the journalist should try to avoid facts and intonation which violate the privacy of citizens, as well as their right to mourn and grieve.

8. The journalist should by all means avoid all privileges which might affect the independent fulfilling of his professional duties.

9. Only if necessary will a journalist mention the race, religion, nationality, legitimacy of birth, physical disability, marital status (even in case of non existence), and sex affiliation. By all means the journalist will try to avoid encouraging any discrimination on these bases.

10. A journalist must not use advantages based on information acquired through news gathering, before the information is published.

Final remarks
A journalist working under the bases mentioned will enjoy the support of his professional organization. Sanctions for violations are based on the legislative of the Independent Journalists’ Association of Serbia.

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