Spain – Association of Business Writers

Code of Conduct of the Association of Business Writers.

The professionals belonging to the Association of Business Writers (APIE), conscious that the credibility of their work is predicated on a transparent behaviour, in conformity with ethical norms; and moved by a desire to re-affirm their independence from political powers as well as from economic and social forces; endorse the following principles and commit themselves  to respecting them as they freely pursue their informative mission:

Business writers will objectively present, and will interpret fairly, the events that will occur in their specialized area, after seriously investigating the facts and comparing various versions, using all sources available and resisting every kind of pressure.

Business writers will not take part in the activities which they report. They should not be representatives of, image-protectors of, mouthpieces for any company, institution or other group of an economic nature, or of any of its managers.

Business writers must watch, with the objectivity of neutral observers, the development of economic and financial processes, without influencing them by publishing news and views that might benefit some persons or entities.

Business writers may purchase stocks, make investments and other operations in the market, provided they do not use confidential or embargoed information that they may have obtained in the course of their professional activity. Neither will they use such information to the advantage of third parties.

Business writers, fulfilling minimal requirements of their independence, will reject any present, gift of money, any invitation with no journalistic justification, unjustified salary, which  operators in economic or financial life might offer them, when  such favours may violate, restrict and could circumvent the free exercise of the profession.

The members of the APIE subscribe to this code of conduct of their own free will.


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