The MediaWise Forum

16 February 2004 – The PressWise Trust is changing. Our new ‘trading name’ is MediaWise, and we are expanding our activities to promote direct dialogue between journalists and the public they serve via the MediaWise Forum. This is one of a series of new activities we hope to launch this year. Others include publication of our study of media complaints procedures ‘Satisfaction Guaranteed?’ which should be out next month, and seminars on ‘Changing the Newsroom Culture’.

The purpose of the MediaWise Forum is to encourage debate on key journalistic issues, reflecting our belief that open democracy is best served if there is a compact of trust between journalists and the public. The aim is to share concerns and seek resolution of apparent conflicts of interest by broadening the debate. We hope that what will emerge will be of interest and value to the public, journalists, journalism trainers, media executives and media regulators.

The first topic for discussion will be The Hutton Report which was highly critical of journalistic practices at the BBC. But Lord Hutton’s comments have a resonance for journalists everywhere. We expressed our view immediately after Hutton published his report, and have received many positive comments about it.

To access our view of the report’s implications, click here.

If you would like to contribute to the debate visit The MediaWise Forum.

We realise that many of you will have other concerns about journalism that you would like to see discussed. Please tell us about them, and we will consider them for future inclusion on the site. Also, let us know about other such online debates about media ethics to which you contribute.

The MediaWise Forum is not a ‘chat room’. Discussion will be moderated by Bill Norris, Associate Director of The PressWise Trust, who worked for The Times of London and covered international events for Independent TV News, and also spent many years working in South Africa and America. We hope eventually to publish accounts of each debate, and the ‘messages’ for journalism that emerge from them.

You are free to air your views, subject only to the usual legal constraints, and we will get them on the site as quickly as possible. Needless to say, The PressWise Trust accepts no responsibility for the opinions expressed.

Mike Jempson
Director, MediaWise

(Bulletin No 98)

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