Code of Ethics, approved by the general membership of the Illinois News Broadcasters Association on 4 May 1996.
To gather the facts of a story and report them accurately and objectively.
To avoid the appearance of a conflict of interest, never allow personal beliefs or personal gain to influence a story.
That race, creed, nationality, gender and sexual orientation should only be mentioned when relevant to the story.
To show sensitivity to victims and witnesses of violent crimes and other personal tragedies.
To remember that suspects are innocent until proven guilty.
To avoid interfering with emegency service personnel in the performance of their duties.
To credit the source if the information broadcast is not one’s own, and never to plagiarize.
To correct promptly all errors, with consideration given to the audience that heard the mistake.
To inform sources when telephone conversations are being recorded for use on the air.
That staged video or audio used in a news broadcast will be clearly identified as being staged.
To label clearly all broadcast opinion and commentary.
To defend vigorously guarantees in the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution and the Illinois Freedom of Information and Open Meetings Acts.